This Windows Development System (WDS) is a set of Dynace classes that makes the development of Windows GUI applications extremely easy. It also works on Linux & macOS through the WINE Win32 library. It has been used in commercial applications for nearly 20 years.
Source code for this system is at:
Build instructions are at: docs/BUILD.txt
The following will give you a small taste of how easy WDS makes the development of GUI applications:
#include "generics.h"
int start()
object win;
win = vNew(MainWindow, "My Test Application");
vPrintf(win, "Hello, World!\n");
return gProcessMessages(win);
is created by your resource editor that comes with Windows.
#include "generics.h"
#include "resource.h"
static long file_message(object wind, unsigned id);
static long file_exit(object wind, unsigned id);
int start()
object win;
win = vNew(MainWindow, "My Test Application");
mLoadMenu(win, IDR_MENU1);
mAssociate(win, ID_FILE_MESSAGE, file_message);
mAssociate(win, ID_FILE_EXIT, file_exit);
return gProcessMessages(win);
static long file_message(object wind, unsigned id)
gMessage(wind, "File Message");
return 0L;
static long file_exit(object wind, unsigned id)
gQuitApplication(Application, 0);
return 0L;
#include "generics.h"
#include "resource.h"
static long file_message(object wind, unsigned id);
static long file_dialog(object wind, unsigned id);
static long file_exit(object wind, unsigned id);
int start()
object win;
win = vNew(MainWindow, "My Test Application");
mLoadMenu(win, IDR_MENU1);
mAssociate(win, ID_FILE_MESSAGE, file_message);
mAssociate(win, ID_FILE_DIALOG, file_dialog);
mAssociate(win, ID_FILE_EXIT, file_exit);
return gProcessMessages(win);
static long file_message(object wind, unsigned id)
gMessage(wind, "File Message");
return 0L;
static long file_dialog(object wind, unsigned id)
object dlg;
int r;
dlg = mNewDialog(ModalDialog, DL1, wind);
r = gPerform(dlg);
return 0L;
static long file_exit(object wind, unsigned id)
gQuitApplication(Application, 0);
return 0L;
See docs/ORIENT.txt
This system was written by Blake McBride