3 Orientation

The entire source code comes with the system and is convenient when debugging; however, only a few areas in the system would normally be of concern when building an application, as follows.

3.1 Back-end Application Files


This file is used to configure the system. See Setup and Configuration


All other files under this directory represent the application back-end. All the files are used and distributed in source form. The Kiss system compiles them at runtime but does not save the compiled form. Updates to files under this directory take effect immediately on a running system.

3.2 Front-end Application Files

Files under the src/main/frontend directory represent the front-end of the application.

All files under the src/main/frontend/kiss directory are part of the Kiss system and would normally not need to be touched.

index.html and index.js are also part of the Kiss system and aren’t normally modified.

login.html and login.js represent the user login page and would be modified to suit your needs.

Other directories such as page1 represent other user pages and would be the application-specific screens you create. The included page1 directory is only an example page.

3.3 Database

Kiss supports Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite.

As shipped, Kiss comes configured with an embedded SQLite server and database. While this is fine for a demo or small application, a real database should be configured for real use. The included database is located in the backend directory and is named DB.sqlite

Although Kiss has no preferred database, PostgreSQL is strongly recommended because it is free, full-featured, fast, rock solid, and portable on all major platforms.

See Setup and Configuration

3.4 Single Page Application

Kiss applications are single-page applications in the sense that there is a single <body> tag and all other pages essentially get placed into that tag on a single page. However, Kiss is not a single-page application in the sense that the entire application gets loaded with a single GET request. This doesn’t make sense for a large business application in which many hundreds of pages may exist. Kiss lazy-loads pages as they are used, and except for browser cache, eliminates them once another page is loaded.

3.5 Controlling Browser Cache

The user’s browser cache can be controlled from the file src/main/frontend/index.html In that file, you will see two lines that look as follows:

SystemInfo.softwareVersion = "1";  // version of the entire system
SystemInfo.controlCache = false;   // normally true but use false during
                            // debugging

If SystemInfo.controlCache is set to true, each time SystemInfo.softwareVersion is incremented all users starting the application will be forced to load new code from the server and not use their browser’s cache. Once they download the new version, normal browser cache activity will occur.

3.6 Creating JavaDocs

JavaDocs for the Kiss system will need to be created. They are created from the command line by issuing the following command:

./bld javadoc              [Linux, Mac, BSD, etc.]
bld javadoc                [Windows]

The JavaDoc files end up in the work/javadoc directory.

3.7 Deploying A Kiss Application

The only file needed to deploy the application is Kiss.war It can be built by typing ./bld war at a command prompt. Kiss.war ends up in the work directory. If you have your IDE create the Kiss.war file, it will likely not work. The Kiss system requires a special build process because application files are distributed in source form. Therefore, bld should be used to create the production WAR file.

If using Tomcat, Kiss.war should be placed in the webapps directory. When Tomcat starts, it will see the file, unpack it, and run it. The application will be available at [HOST]/Kiss

Renaming Kiss.war to ABC.war, for example, will cause the application path to change to [HOST]/ABC

3.8 Learning The System

In order to start getting a feel for how Kiss applications function, in terms of the back-end, look at files in the src/main/backend/services directory. With Kiss you can develop applications in several different languages. The services example shows the same code in all of the supported languages.

In terms of the front-end, see the example files under src/main/frontend/page1